

whispering in your ear - poem- poetry

I saw in your eyes,

In those perfect eyes

In which the eyes fall in love.

I wanted to tell you everything,

But I said nothing.

I whispered

I got carried away by your laughter,

I got guided by that brightness

from your pink lips,

I felt the breeze.

I felt that throbbing in my chest and

I whispered

I whispered my desires to hug you.

I whispered to kiss you.

At the end

I did not tell you anything.

Let that your hair

It will be hypnotizing me

With each fold

That the wind caressed,

I allowed that my words

would be whispers,

And I didn't tell you anything.


whispering in your ear - poem- poetry

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Karen the girl of Facebook - Short Story

Karen the girl of Facebook - short-story-karen-the-girl-of-facebook-short-scary-stories

Karen is a girl who appears to be younger, she lives a lot of time connected to the Internet, most the people would say that she is an exemplary, loving, candy and responsible girl ... but someone who does not think that way he says that she is very dangerous and she should be in jail.

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