you are alone and I am alone
memories accompany us
they spend the hours with us
and we alone
stuck to memory
to a past that didn't go
to an absent present
to an uncertain future
we are small pieces
we are tearing by rebellion
we are tired,
dying in our distance
sad bodies corroded by sadness
forgetting slowly
in my lips you are still present
in the hugs that one day were warm
I remember you in my hands
in my mouth
memories the kisses
the aroma of the love of your body
we die without truce
die this love
a sweet bitter love
I’m alone and I need you love
we need each other
Karen is a girl who appears to be younger, she lives a lot of time connected to the Internet, most the people would say that she is an exemplary, loving, candy and responsible girl ... but someone who does not think that way he says that she is very dangerous and she should be in jail.
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poems subtle like the life, powerful as the short stories, fragile and strong like love. Poems impregnated with sentences from the heart, with mystery. poems that feel with the soul..